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Newsletter Archives
Summer, 2023: President’s Message, Calendar of Events, In Memoriam Tom Fitzgerald, Ramps Field Trip
Summer, 2022:President's Message and A View Out his Window, Westmoreland Cleanways speaks to WWIA, Im Memoriam: Dr. William Courtney, Penguin Court and Forbes Field Tour, Species Spotlight.
Winter, 2022: President's Message, Annual Report, Ten Great Nature Books to Warm Your Soul, Foraging for Invasive Plants: Yum!. and more.
Summer, 2021: President’s Message, Lanternfly Recap,Gypsy Moths, Mother Tree, Showcase a Resource,and Species Spotlight.
Spring, 2021: 2021 memberships, Earth Day program Apr. 22, The New Bad Bug, Species Spotlight, and more!
Winter 2021 President’s Report,Forest Healing, Book Reviews., Showcase a Resource,Species Spotlight
Summer, 2020: Quarantine Adventures, President's Message, Timber Sale Considerations, and more!
Spring, 2020 The View from My Kitchen Window, Field trips, Experiencing the Pandemic in the Woods, more!
Winter, 2020: Easements & Rights of Way in Our Forests, Livengood Brothers Count Raptors on Chestnut Ridge, Species Spotlight: Eastern Hemlock, Westmoreland Conservation District
Winter, 2019: 30th Anniversary, Golden Eagles in Forbes State Forest, Ames Wood Mill and Handle-Making Plant
Fall, 2019: Forbes State Forest Field Trip, Leslie Horner's Woodland Regeneration Workshop, Tulip Poplar
Spring, 2019: WWIA History, Penguin Court, Serviceberry
Fall, 2018: Tom Fitzgerald's Lifetime Achievement Award, Walk in Penn’s Woods, President’s Report, Species Spotlight: Blackgum
Summer, 2018: White Oak Woes, Helping Forests Regenerate, Witch Hazel
Spring, 2018: Personal Timberdoodle Encounters, Urban Forester: Best Job Ever,
Winter, 2018: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Tax Tips for Forest Landowners
Fall, 2017: Hemlocks Under Attack, High Horizons, Service Forester
Spring, 2017: Planting Guidance for Native Grasses & Herbaceous Plants, History of Penn’s Woods